
2 months of waiting!!!

2 months have quickly come and gone! We don't have a lot of down time to sit and watch the clock! I am just enjoying the stage my children are in now and don't want to miss a minute of it.

I am often asked for a timeline update but it changes so often I honestly don't know. As of this month the wait for an infant boy is 9 months. In the past it has been 5-7 months. I am hoping this will change soon. But I don't see us traveling this summer. I would say late 2009 to early 2010. The Ethiopian gov't is taking longer than usual b/c they are trying to be 100% legal in their adoptions. They are taking extra time to review each case to make sure every child is a "true orphan" meaning both parents are deceased. The longer wait for us is never good news but we know that God is in total control and it is out of our hands. With the longer wait everything is being pushed back even waiting for a court date and travel is taking longer. I am praying that they will figure this out soon and get the process going so all of these orphans can get to their families!!

We have a personal request as well. Clay's company is having a lay off at the end of this month. Just pray for us as we prepare for this news. This doesn't seem like a good time to lose your job so pray that God will give us peace no matter what happens.

Our big adoption yard sale is going to be April 18th! Our sweet friends who are planning this event are still brainstorming some ideas but so far we are thinking: a bake sale, car wash, yard sale and having a bounce house for children! Again if you have anything you are willing to donate for the sale let us know!! We have already gotten some great stuff for the sale!

As promised a quick monthly fact on Ethiopia. I found this very interesting. Did you know that its 2001 in Ethiopia right now? They follow the Julian calendar, which comprises twelve months of thirty days each and a thirteenth month of five days (or six days in a leap year). The calendar is seven years and eight months behind the Western (Gregorian) calendar with Christmas being celebrated on January 7 and New Year on September 11, which can be extremely confusing to westerners. Also, they are 9 hour time different betw. Tennessee and Ethiopia. That will definitely take some adjusting to during travel and get our son/twins back on our schedule.
Thanks for keeping up with us!!!

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Happy #adoptionday2017