Interested in adoption?

You have many things to consider and pray through.
Where is your heart? International or Domestic?

Find an agency that fits your needs.
We used AWAA and were very please but they do not meet every family's needs. They are more strict on you keeping birth order. If you are wanting an agency that is very flexible in this regard check out WCAP.
There are many agencies out there and all have different specifics check them out.
Christian World Adoption
All God's Children
Bethany Christian Services

Although there are many great agencies out there you will need to find one you are comfortable with. There are many small agencies that are moving very quickly now b/c they don't have many people on their waiting list. 

Things I've learned along the way:
How many children do you want to adopt? If you adopt two or more at the same time you will save a lot of time and money. Rarely have a met a family that has adopted and doesn't have the burning desire to adopt again. My recommendation would be pray about it. God will lead you in the right direction for your family.

Some agencies will only let you adopt biological sibilings and other agencies will let you adopt 2 non-related children at the same time.

I often have people question about how expensive it was. We ended up paying 23K. Here is our cost break down. There are tons of fundraising ideas out there. We raised a huge chunk of our money, Clay's company has an adoption assistance program and you will get a tax credit. Check with your company and church to see if they will provide assistance. There are many grants you can apply for too. Lifesong is a great pleace to apply for grants and/or loans. I cannot stress enough, if God is calling you to adoption he will provide a way. He provided every penny for our adoption and even our medical bills afterward!!!

Adoption has been one of the biggest blessings in our family. God has opened doors that have been incredible. We will never be the same. I am a huge advocate for adoption and wishes everyone could experience it! GO ADOPT!

Email me with any questions. I love talk about adoption!

Happy #adoptionday2017