
This week...

On the agenda this week:
Get concrete travel dates
Book flights
Get updates on Nile with pictures. YIPPY!

We are on the fast track now. We will be leaving in less than 3 weeks and are so excited. I have about 2 pages of things to pack so I am working on that now. There are so many things you have to pack when travelling overseas not to mention all that is needed to fly with an infant for 17 hours. Yes, 17 hours in the air. Can you imagine. If you have any travel suggestions please send them my way.

Clay and I were talking about how everything had been so smooth throughout this adoption. Passing court was our last big hurdle and after I got the call I felt like it was a dream. It is feeling more and more real now that I am packing bottles, onesies, diapers, ect.

Tonight I went through tons of clothes that were donated by a sweet friend from her consignment sale. It made me smile thinking about what a blessing those clothes will be to some precious children.

I will post new pictures of Nile when I get them!

"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."
John 14:18


April said...

GREAT NEWS! I'm so excited for your growing family! We've been praying for you. Also, last night, I started the book you gave me and read that very verse that you put in your blog post!

Anonymous said...

So excited for you guys! :) Little Nile is adorable!

Good luck with all the preperation!

Happy #adoptionday2017