
Sharing our story..

This month have been asked to share our adoption testimony. Those of you who know me best know that public speaking is not my strength. I do know that this is something I am suppose to do and God will speak for me. Please pray for me as I prepare!

I was asked to share the info here. If you are interested in coming you can buy a ticket from me or send an email to the address below. Tickets are $1.

Attention All Ladies…

The Women’s Ministry of Parkway Baptist Church

invites you to an evening filled with fellowship, testimony, and hearing from God’s Word entitled

“Who Is Writing Your Story?”

Our guest speaker will share her personal testimony of love, faith, and miracles along her family’s road to adoption. Parkway’s own, Ginger Moore, will give insight from Romans regarding our adoption into God’s family.

Friday evening, March 26th

Time of Fellowship/Snacks – 6:00 – 6:30pm

Time of Testimony – 6:30pm

Parkway Baptist Church – Family Life Center

Tickets on sale for $1.00

To reserve your tickets or for additional information, please email womensministry@parkwaybc.net.

Parkway Baptist Church

505 Cunniff Parkway

Goodlettsville, TN


1 comment:

Meghan said...

Definitely praying for you! You'll be amazing I know! I wish I could come. I still want to hear your story...I haven't yet.

They couldn't have asked for a better person to share their testimony!

Let me know how it goes!


Happy #adoptionday2017