Yesterday morning we took Nile to our pediatrician b/c he had a 102 temperature. We thought the pneumonia was better so we were stumped why his fever spiked. Our ped. called Vanderbilt and they wanted us to bring him in. We went through the ER and got great attention and care. His oxygen was at 86% when we got there. Immediately there was a team of 15+ around him drawing blood, suctioning his lungs, giving him a breathing treatment, giving him oxygen, taking urine samples, stool samples, chest x rays, etc.... They asked us a million questions, many of which we were unable to answer b/c he was found abandoned..i.e. exact age, birth weight, medical history, family history, immunization records, etc....
We were admitted yesterday and told to expect to be here at least 48hrs. We do know at this point he has salmonella, a parasite (cryptospiridium) and his pneumonia is still there.
We have tons of tests pending. We just had a meeting with a team of 8 Drs. We are very impressed with this hospital. Everyone is very interested in nile and his story. It is always exciting to share our story about him. He is getting lots of attention and HAS to be the cutest kid here :)
In order to go home we have to have him off oxygen, maintain a normal temperature and a normal breathing pattern. Last night his fever spiked in the middle of the night to 102.6--it is responding to Tylenol. Since he's been on Oxygen and having his lungs suctioned he has been eating great. Before that he had taken 4 oz max. from me but 2 times last night he had 5+oz. We will meet with a nurtionist later today to talk through his poor weight gain. I want to ask about adding pureed snickers to his formula :) I think that would solve the weight issues.
With him being from Ethiopia the Drs are having to do lots of research on diseases/problems that may occur from being born there.
Pray that we are able to come home soon!
This is a glimpse into our journey to our sweet Ethiopian son. Through this journey we found a new heart. God lead us closer to himself and we are forever grateful for this opportunity.
Coffee is my friend....
Oh boy...I am tired! I apologize up front for any typos! This boy got up every 2 hours to eat and takes about 30 mins to drink 2 oz. Today the Dr. said his pneumonia sounded better but now he has thrush. We got meds for that and we are hoping that he will starting taking more formula (in a shorter amount of time) :) 
Overall he looks good. We will continue to see the Dr. once a week until he is growing at a steady rate.
Overall he looks good. We will continue to see the Dr. once a week until he is growing at a steady rate.
Nile update
Yesterday we took Nile to our doctor. In Ethiopia we were told he had an upper respiratory infection, so we wanted to get that checked out. We got to the Dr. and he weighed 8lbs 10oz, he gained 2 oz since we got him a week ago. Our Dr. didn't like the sound of his lungs and sent us to the hospital for a chest X-Ray. The X-ray showed a mild case of pneumonia. They gave him a shot of antibiotic and sent us home with oral antibiotics. Our Dr. also gave us high calorie formula to fatten him up. Developmentally he is on track with a newborn. He just needs some nourishment and love!!
Today we went for a recheck he had gained another 2oz. The Dr. was a little concerned with his heart rate and oxygen levels but thought overall he was improving. He seems more alert, has no fever and is eating great. He just has a pitiful cough.
We will go tomorrow for another check up. I am so grateful for American doctors and technology. I am thankful God got us to Ethiopia when he did b/c pneumonia there is deadly.
Today is the first day I have felt somewhat normal. Last night I went to bed at 7:30pm convinced I was getting the flu but after resting I felt better. Never realized how bad you can feel from lack of sleep. I sleep a couple of hours per night in Ethiopia. It was nuts. The walls of the guest home seem very thin. You can hear everything outside. Lots of dogs barking, music, cars, Muslim prayer chants, ect.... I am so grateful that we have meals coming from friends b/c I cannot even think about cooking right now. My head is spinning still and I may harm my family if I tried to cook :)
Today we went for a recheck he had gained another 2oz. The Dr. was a little concerned with his heart rate and oxygen levels but thought overall he was improving. He seems more alert, has no fever and is eating great. He just has a pitiful cough.
We will go tomorrow for another check up. I am so grateful for American doctors and technology. I am thankful God got us to Ethiopia when he did b/c pneumonia there is deadly.
Today is the first day I have felt somewhat normal. Last night I went to bed at 7:30pm convinced I was getting the flu but after resting I felt better. Never realized how bad you can feel from lack of sleep. I sleep a couple of hours per night in Ethiopia. It was nuts. The walls of the guest home seem very thin. You can hear everything outside. Lots of dogs barking, music, cars, Muslim prayer chants, ect.... I am so grateful that we have meals coming from friends b/c I cannot even think about cooking right now. My head is spinning still and I may harm my family if I tried to cook :)
Pictures with family...
I want to do a day by day blog post for our time in Ethiopia. I will get to that soon. Nile is actually the easiest of all of my easy babies! He sleeps alot. Today we go to the Dr. to get a full blown check up. He is coughing alot and seems to just not feel too well. It will be a good to see our Dr. and know that he is OK! Pray that he is healthy and gets feeling better soon.
I had to share picture of the kids with Nile. They love him. I thought Anslee would be jealous but she loves him and is so glad we are home. Bowen wants to hold him constantly. He really is a big help, he even likes to feed him! YES!
We are HOME!!!!!!!!!!!
Home has never felt so wonderful!!! We had a great trip but missed home! WE have a beautiful, sweet baby boy!. Here are some of the 250 pictures/video from our trip. I will share more later. During travel we got 2 hrs of sleep in 36 hrs. We are wiped out!
First Bath with mom and dad!

More pictures to come!
First Bath with mom and dad!
More pictures to come!
Pray for Nile!
Tracy sent a text yesterday that Nile is sick and not holding much down. He's also got an upper respiratory infection. They are still scheduled to leave today so please pray for Nile's health and for them as they travel home!
We finally got word that Clay and Tracy made it safely to Ethiopia! For some reason I expected to get a text from them at exactly 11:00 yesterday that the plane had landed and they were there. So, I naturally began to worry when I went to bed last night without hearing a thing! I was in contact with Tracy's mom and my mom all day hoping someone had heard something. This morning, Tracy's mom said she received a text late last night that they were there but the cell phones weren't working. Praise God they made it safely!!!!
Today was the day they were supposed to meet Nile for the first time. I've been wondering all morning if they were holding him in their arms yet.
Tracy called her mom a little bit ago and this is what Melody posted on Facebook, "Just talked to Tracy on the cell phone..they spent 3 hrs with Nile..Clay said he was the cutest baby there..:)"
Hopefully Tracy can update us all later with details and pictures!
Today was the day they were supposed to meet Nile for the first time. I've been wondering all morning if they were holding him in their arms yet.
Tracy called her mom a little bit ago and this is what Melody posted on Facebook, "Just talked to Tracy on the cell phone..they spent 3 hrs with Nile..Clay said he was the cutest baby there..:)"
Hopefully Tracy can update us all later with details and pictures!
While we are gone
My sweet sister-in-law Lori will be updating my blog. I will be texting/emailing her when I have a chance. So you can check back for info on our trip. I will share pictures and more details upon our return.
We will be back in Nashville Saturday the 19th at 6pm. Here is our flight info for those planning on meeting us there to get a peek at Nile! United Airlines 7051.
Pray for us and our travel group. Pray that everything goes smoothly and that everyone stays healthy while in country. Many people get sick while traveling b/c of bad water, bad food and elevation!
TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We will be back in Nashville Saturday the 19th at 6pm. Here is our flight info for those planning on meeting us there to get a peek at Nile! United Airlines 7051.
Pray for us and our travel group. Pray that everything goes smoothly and that everyone stays healthy while in country. Many people get sick while traveling b/c of bad water, bad food and elevation!
TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so excited for these families....
This last week I have been talking to two friends from church about adopting. They both are wanting to adopt from Ethiopia. I am so excited that Nile will have more Ethiopian friends to grow up with.
Here are their blogs. The Underhills and the Humphrey family.
I praise God that they are willing to step out in faith and do something crazy for God. All for his glory!!
Here are their blogs. The Underhills and the Humphrey family.
I praise God that they are willing to step out in faith and do something crazy for God. All for his glory!!
Pictures of Nile from this last week.
A family was in Ethiopia picking up their sweet son and got some pictures of Nile for us.
Here is the email I got from her while in Ethiopia.
we have electricity here today so we're able to get online. just thought i'd let you know we met your little guy today and got some pictures. i think he just woke up from a nap so he wasn't very happy - but he is SO SWEET! he's a little thing - but he is precious!"
One week from today will be our "Gotcha Day" this special day will also we shared with our sweet Bowen's 4th Birthday. What a special day it will be in the years to come!!

I think he's frowning b/c he wants his daddy and mommy!
Here is the email I got from her while in Ethiopia.
we have electricity here today so we're able to get online. just thought i'd let you know we met your little guy today and got some pictures. i think he just woke up from a nap so he wasn't very happy - but he is SO SWEET! he's a little thing - but he is precious!"
One week from today will be our "Gotcha Day" this special day will also we shared with our sweet Bowen's 4th Birthday. What a special day it will be in the years to come!!

I think he's frowning b/c he wants his daddy and mommy!
more on travel...
I just got off of our travel group conference call. It was so fun to hear all of the families traveling with us. There will be 7 families total. I think Nile will be the youngest child being picked up with the oldest being 16. Seeing a 16 yr old being adopted along with his 8 yr old brother, will be a cool experience. Can you imagine? That 16 yr old was probably a year away from being put on the streets for life.
This week has been so encouraging, as I have gotten to talk to so many people about our adoption. I love walking people through the beginning stages when they really feel like God is calling them to adopt. It gives me chills to get those calls, saying "hey I think God wants us to adopt." I rejoice that there will be one(or more) less child(ren) orphaned and pray that their story touches others and opens eyes to the blessing of adoption!
Here is our schedule once in Ethiopia:
Sunday get in late-Crash!
Monday- more paperwork, lunch, MEET NILE!!, Leave Nile :( for his last night at the Transition Home, Go to an Ethiopian dinner with the group
Tuesday- Sight seeing/Shopping, PICK NILE UP AND TAKE HIM WITH US!, Take pictures for families here in the US with kiddos still in Ethiopia
Wednesday- Embassy appt. (more paperwork)
Thursday-sight seeing, visit orphanages
Friday-coffee factory, shopping, fly HOME!
Saturday- We'll be home Saturday night!!
"wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight! Stop doing wrong, learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow." Isaiah 1:16-17
Click here to see a video of a family just returning from Ethiopia from our agency. You can see some of the things we will experience and see where we are staying. See if you recognize the artist singing! Good choice!
This week has been so encouraging, as I have gotten to talk to so many people about our adoption. I love walking people through the beginning stages when they really feel like God is calling them to adopt. It gives me chills to get those calls, saying "hey I think God wants us to adopt." I rejoice that there will be one(or more) less child(ren) orphaned and pray that their story touches others and opens eyes to the blessing of adoption!
Here is our schedule once in Ethiopia:
Sunday get in late-Crash!
Monday- more paperwork, lunch, MEET NILE!!, Leave Nile :( for his last night at the Transition Home, Go to an Ethiopian dinner with the group
Tuesday- Sight seeing/Shopping, PICK NILE UP AND TAKE HIM WITH US!, Take pictures for families here in the US with kiddos still in Ethiopia
Wednesday- Embassy appt. (more paperwork)
Thursday-sight seeing, visit orphanages
Friday-coffee factory, shopping, fly HOME!
Saturday- We'll be home Saturday night!!
"wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight! Stop doing wrong, learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow." Isaiah 1:16-17
Click here to see a video of a family just returning from Ethiopia from our agency. You can see some of the things we will experience and see where we are staying. See if you recognize the artist singing! Good choice!
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Many of you have asked if we have a name picked out for our son. He will have a name when we get his referral but we have the choice to chan...
Oh man, I don't know if I will even be able to relay to you what has happened in the last 24 hours. Yesterday about this time Nile was...
Today I bought this Third Day Christmas CD and found a song about adoption. Its AWESOME. It's a song to a child being adopted that isn...