This is a glimpse into our journey to our sweet Ethiopian son. Through this journey we found a new heart. God lead us closer to himself and we are forever grateful for this opportunity.
What will it take to open your eyes?
-I have seen complete joy in Christ alone even when you have no earthly possessions.
-I saw Jesus shine brighter through people with no earthly possessions.
-I am now aware of what poverty really looks like.
-I never have the right to complain about anything.
-I see race and color of skin as something beautiful.
-I will never look at orphaned children the same.
-I won't go a day without thinking and praying for orphans all over the world.
-I can't spend money without thinking about how it could change lives in Africa.
-I have a hard time thinking/worrying about superficial things-my clothes, looks, ect.
-I am sickened by how America/Americans spend their money.
-I don't want to spoil my children and raise them with a sense of entitlement.
-I take pleasure in the simple things.
-I will never lay down on my bed without thinking about all of those without homes, food, beds.
Have you ever experience a 3rd world country? If not, it will forever change you. GO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many of you have experienced this. How did it change you?
Look who's 6 months!

He is getting up about once a night and overall is just an easy baby.
I thank God everyday for this precious miracle! We are so blessed.
Change a life for Christmas and forever!!
Let's think for a minute what Nile's life would have looked like if he stayed in Ethiopia. What if he wasn't adopted by us or anyone. We now know that without the care he received at Vanderbilt Children's that he wouldn't have lived much longer but let's say he did. He very possibly would have grown up with no mother, no father, no family, no food, disease--I could go on and on. What Children's Hope Chest does is find those children and help restore wholeness to their lives. Not only does your $34 a month provide a home, food, medical care, schooling, Birthday and Christmas gifts but most importantly it provides the opportunity to learn about Christ unfailing love for them.
Please pray about your part in helping an orphan in need! Read this post to see what an impact our sponsored child has had on me. I love this ministry b/c you really do form a personal relationship with your child and you are encouraged to take trips and visit your sponsored child.
Below is information from the Hope Chest website:
Long Term, Holistic, Redemptive Ministry
The vision of Children’s HopeChest is to see orphaned children find restoration and wholeness. We believe that every child should have the opportunity to know God as a Father and a Savior, to experience the blessing of family, and to live independently.
Through our program, you’ll help meet their entire needs – physical, emotional, social, and spiritual. As they move into adulthood, you will become a key part of redeeming orphans from their circumstances and setting them on the path to wholeness.
We look forward to a day when our ministry is run by former orphans who have assumed leadership roles in their own countries.
Beyond Sponsorship
What happens next?
Once children “age out” of the orphanage, Children’s HopeChest provides them with an array of services from community outreach centers (Ministry Centers), and transitional living programs (Family Centers and Independent Living Programs).
Many sponsors choose to stay with their child into adulthood – deepening their relational and financial investment. These programs help ensure a smooth transition from the orphanage to independent life.
Helping spread the word about this awesome opportunity is key! Share this post or write your own and encourage people to sponsor a child through HopeChest and you will be entered in a raffle for the book "Scared" through my blog. Just leave me a message and let me know where you shared the info.
I am so excited to see the word spread and help some precious orphans find hope this holiday season! Love you all!!
Would you consider...
I wrote our boy a real simple letter and didn't hear back from him for awhile. We were hoping to meet him while in Ethiopia but were unable to b/c we didn't have time without the babies plus Nile was so sick. I still didn't feel a real connection but knew that when I signed up with Children's Hope Chest that is was a great organization and my money would go directly to help my child.
Well, today I got my first letter. I was so excited! I went and got his picture and took it into the kids to read it to them. As I read the letter I just couldn't read anymore I was crying so hard.
Here is part of the letter:
"I don't have any family. Now you are as my father, mother, brother and sister. I thank God that he makes me part of your family. I am happy to be here. I am thankful you are sponsoring me, please pray for my country and school. I am eager to see your pictures. I am looking forward to getting my next letter. May God be with you! I love you Clay, Tracy, Bowen and Anslee."
Heartbreaking! What a precious letter. Can you imagine, no family! I just love the kids of Ethiopia so much and there situations will just break your heart. I know I still haven't really blogged about our trip but it forever changed me. So immediately I email Children's Hope Chest to see if he was adoptable and wrote him another letter. I am mailing off pictures to him tomorrow.
$35 a month. One meal out as a family here in America can house, feed, cloth, school a child for A MONTH. Unreal!
If you are interested please email:
To read more about sponsership--click here.
OK my kids are getting up: excuse the typos!
Quick update on Nile
At his check up I got the go ahead to give him regular formula and start him on solids. He is still a little unsure about my cooking, I am sure Clay would agree that it's an acquired taste :) Yesterday he had avocado and sweet potatoes, not too sure about solids yet.
We are having so much fun loving on this beautiful boy!!!
Nile's pictures 4.5 months
Look at some of the amazing photos she did for me yesterday! You can click on the collage to make it larger.

They proceeded to tell us that he was perfectly fine and healthy now. We asked about what we were told at Vanderbilt about not leaving the house and treating him like he was a preemie. The doctor just stared at us for awhile and laughed. He repeated that he was perfectly fine and healthy!! He said that we don't have to live in a cave anymore!!!!!!!!! He said we are free to get out as much as we want! PRAISES!!!!!!!!! So we will be at church Sunday morning. Can't wait to see everyone!!
4 weeks ago we picked Nile up....
We did get him on Zantac for acid reflux today. I will be glad when that kicks in. He is a spitter!
The doctor is also trying to get him qualified with insurance to get the vaccinations for RSV. The shot cost about $1500 per shot and he would need several injections. Insurance will only cover it if they feel like the child is a high risk for RSV. The danger of him getting it and being hospitalized has to outweigh the cost to our insurance company for the vaccination. Our doctor is going to hold off on any routine vaccinations until he is off the antibiotic and staying healthy.
Tomorrow we will meet again with infectious disease at Vanderbilt. It is just a follow up visit. I will update if there is anything new.
Overall, we are doing really good. He is just an angel that I cannot give enough kisses to! He is so adorable and smiley!! Here is a cute video of him, sorry for me being so cheesy!
Nile -- 4 months
Nile is doing awesome at home. He is eating like a champ. About every 2 to 3 hours he will now eat 4 to 5 oz! Last night he thought it would be fun to eat every 2 hours through the night. I didn't like the idea but love that he is eating well and gaining weight.
This may be a hard fall/winter for us. The doctors said that keeping Nile, Bowen and Anslee healthy is #1 priority, meaning stay home. They were very happy to hear that Bowen and Anslee are not in preschool. We are debating what we do about going to church and if A&B should be in class at all. I hate to miss and not let them be there but that is the only place they pick up bugs. If they get sick it is not going to be easy to keep them out of Nile's face. They just cannot do it! We've talked alot lately about germs and washing hands.
We are so thankful for the technology in America and that Nile is doing so well. We are so grateful that God got us to Ethiopia so quickly b/c several doctors have made the comment that he would not have made it much longer without treatment. It also makes me sad for all the babies and children we left behind. I pray for all of the babies waiting on their forever families.
I was looking at happy Nile last night thinking about his birth mother. I cannot imagine not knowing where he is and if he is even alive. I wish she could see his big smile and how much he is loved! I feel like he has been in our family forever and I cannot imagine life without him.
I am as happy as I could be!!
So today it hit me that although Nile looks like a 1 month old he is actually 4 months and can eat solids!! Maybe that is why he is eating every two hours. So I had my mom pick up rice cereal on her way over today. He like it. I took 91 pictures of his first taste of food. Who said the 3rd child doesn't have many pictures? I cannot help but take a ton of this cutie!! Those who know Clay know that he is master at crazy faces but I think he has met his match. What do you think?

The drama of the last 24 hours...
Yesterday about this time Nile was looking great and we were looking forward to discharge today. Clay left to go home and get the kids. I would stay with Nile until we were ready to go home. That afternoon our team of doctors came to the door and asked to see me privately. I could tell that something wasn't right. They took me into a private room and they all seemed very down. They told me that Nile had tested positive for PCP Pneumonia. Then they proceeded to tell me that because of several factors including PCP they were pretty positive that Nile had HIV. I was stunned and in shock. He had already had 2 negative tests with another more specific test still pending. They told me they were 90-95% sure and he would start the medications for HIV in the morning. They said that the pending test could come back negative but he could still have it and test positive down the road. I called Clay, a wreck, and told him the news. We had no clue what to do with the information. So until this morning we were praying for a miracle. We told a hand-full of our prayer warriors about the situation and asked for them to pray for a miracle. We knew that God wouldn't give us something we couldn't handle. And if he in fact, did have HIV we would love him just the same.
After a scary, "what if" night we saw the same team this morning. They got the RNA HIV test back and it was negative. We were relieved but knew that they had told us that this wasn't 100% and that he would need to be tested in the future.
Here is where the good news comes in.... we met with the Infectious Disease team from Vanderbilt....their take on everything was totally different. They are the people that deal with HIV every day. They told us that all of the tests done were very accurate and they were certain (less than 1% chance) that Nile didn't have HIV. They think that he was a preemie and malnourished and that is why he contracted the PCP Pneumonia. They told us that he didn't even HAVE to be retested and WOULD NOT START HIV MEDICATIONS!! They were surprised about the meeting that the other Drs. had with me the night before. The main Dr. told us we needed to be more worried about getting in a car wreck on the way home than Nile having HIV. So we knew that God had heard our cries and answered prayers. WE WANTED TO SHOUT PRAISES FROM THE ROOF TOP!!!!!!!!!!!
So, we are now at HOME AND NILE IS AWESOME. They said he has nothing that is contagious and that he needs to be cared for as if he were a preemie. We were told not to have him exposed to a lot of people due to the fact that he still has a weak immune system.
We are so grateful that Nile is OK and is gaining weight and acting more like a 4 month old now. We have seen amazing improvements!!
Please continue to pray for little Nile and his health. I know it will be hard to keep this little guy healthy through the fall/winter months. We will be following up on all of his testing in the future. We know that God is in control and will rest in that!!
Procedure went well...
He has had zero side effects that they prepared us for from the procedure.
I really think he is on the up side. We are hearing rumors that we MAY be out of here tomorrow. We are so ready to sleep in our bed without alarms sounding every 2 minutes. Since I sat down to type this I have gotten up probably 11 times to silence alarms that are going off. The alarms misread info on him and start dinging.
We should get lots of info today and more lab results.
Thanks for your support and prayers.
Prayers are working...........
I came back from a small break away from the hospital and came back to a different child. He is smiling, cooing, kicking, picking everything in his reach up and putting it in his mouth.....this is totally different than we have EVER seen him. I am soooooooo excited to see the positive changes.
Also, he hasn't had tylenol since 10am today and hasn't had a fever!!!!!!!!
Keep the prayers coming!!!!!!!!!!!!
2AM--is the last time he can eat b/c of his procedure in the morning at 8AM. pray that he sleeps through the night and isn't up screaming. Also, pray that the procedure is on time. I know that it is common to push these things back.
We should have results from the procedure by tomorrow afternoon. This will give us a lot more information about what is going on and what they need to do to treat it. I will update!!
Thanks again for being prayer warriors!!
Prayers for Nile
For now we still have the Vanderbilt doctors a little puzzled at why Nile is sick. We know some of the factors but there are still some missing puzzle pieces.
We would covet your prayers tonight b/c in the morning Nile will be put to sleep for a Pulmonologist to go down into his lungs for a sample of fluids. This means he will be unable to eat after midnight. It may be a rough nights sleep with a hungry little boy! Putting a baby under at such an early age I know is pretty controversial but I know he is in good hands at Vandy. I pray for wisdom over the doctors there!!
Thanks for all of the calls, prayers, texts and emails they mean so much!! We have an awesome support group!
We want this little guy better and we are ready to be back home as a family of 5.
-pray his temp stays in a normal range
-pray that the doctors will figure out why he is so sick
-that he will be able to have normal oxygen levels
-that he will start eating and growing!!
-pray that we get rest so we are able to function
I am now at home with the kids and they are napping so I am about to crash. Clay is at the hospital with Nile and I will be heading back later.
Love you all!
Nile's at Vanderbilt childrens hospital
We were admitted yesterday and told to expect to be here at least 48hrs. We do know at this point he has salmonella, a parasite (cryptospiridium) and his pneumonia is still there.
We have tons of tests pending. We just had a meeting with a team of 8 Drs. We are very impressed with this hospital. Everyone is very interested in nile and his story. It is always exciting to share our story about him. He is getting lots of attention and HAS to be the cutest kid here :)
In order to go home we have to have him off oxygen, maintain a normal temperature and a normal breathing pattern. Last night his fever spiked in the middle of the night to 102.6--it is responding to Tylenol. Since he's been on Oxygen and having his lungs suctioned he has been eating great. Before that he had taken 4 oz max. from me but 2 times last night he had 5+oz. We will meet with a nurtionist later today to talk through his poor weight gain. I want to ask about adding pureed snickers to his formula :) I think that would solve the weight issues.
With him being from Ethiopia the Drs are having to do lots of research on diseases/problems that may occur from being born there.
Pray that we are able to come home soon!
Coffee is my friend....
Overall he looks good. We will continue to see the Dr. once a week until he is growing at a steady rate.
Nile update
Today we went for a recheck he had gained another 2oz. The Dr. was a little concerned with his heart rate and oxygen levels but thought overall he was improving. He seems more alert, has no fever and is eating great. He just has a pitiful cough.
We will go tomorrow for another check up. I am so grateful for American doctors and technology. I am thankful God got us to Ethiopia when he did b/c pneumonia there is deadly.
Today is the first day I have felt somewhat normal. Last night I went to bed at 7:30pm convinced I was getting the flu but after resting I felt better. Never realized how bad you can feel from lack of sleep. I sleep a couple of hours per night in Ethiopia. It was nuts. The walls of the guest home seem very thin. You can hear everything outside. Lots of dogs barking, music, cars, Muslim prayer chants, ect.... I am so grateful that we have meals coming from friends b/c I cannot even think about cooking right now. My head is spinning still and I may harm my family if I tried to cook :)
Pictures with family...
I want to do a day by day blog post for our time in Ethiopia. I will get to that soon. Nile is actually the easiest of all of my easy babies! He sleeps alot. Today we go to the Dr. to get a full blown check up. He is coughing alot and seems to just not feel too well. It will be a good to see our Dr. and know that he is OK! Pray that he is healthy and gets feeling better soon.
I had to share picture of the kids with Nile. They love him. I thought Anslee would be jealous but she loves him and is so glad we are home. Bowen wants to hold him constantly. He really is a big help, he even likes to feed him! YES!
We are HOME!!!!!!!!!!!
First Bath with mom and dad!
More pictures to come!
Pray for Nile!
Today was the day they were supposed to meet Nile for the first time. I've been wondering all morning if they were holding him in their arms yet.
Tracy called her mom a little bit ago and this is what Melody posted on Facebook, "Just talked to Tracy on the cell phone..they spent 3 hrs with Nile..Clay said he was the cutest baby there..:)"
Hopefully Tracy can update us all later with details and pictures!
While we are gone
We will be back in Nashville Saturday the 19th at 6pm. Here is our flight info for those planning on meeting us there to get a peek at Nile! United Airlines 7051.
Pray for us and our travel group. Pray that everything goes smoothly and that everyone stays healthy while in country. Many people get sick while traveling b/c of bad water, bad food and elevation!
TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so excited for these families....
Here are their blogs. The Underhills and the Humphrey family.
I praise God that they are willing to step out in faith and do something crazy for God. All for his glory!!
Pictures of Nile from this last week.
Here is the email I got from her while in Ethiopia.
we have electricity here today so we're able to get online. just thought i'd let you know we met your little guy today and got some pictures. i think he just woke up from a nap so he wasn't very happy - but he is SO SWEET! he's a little thing - but he is precious!"
One week from today will be our "Gotcha Day" this special day will also we shared with our sweet Bowen's 4th Birthday. What a special day it will be in the years to come!!

I think he's frowning b/c he wants his daddy and mommy!
more on travel...
This week has been so encouraging, as I have gotten to talk to so many people about our adoption. I love walking people through the beginning stages when they really feel like God is calling them to adopt. It gives me chills to get those calls, saying "hey I think God wants us to adopt." I rejoice that there will be one(or more) less child(ren) orphaned and pray that their story touches others and opens eyes to the blessing of adoption!
Here is our schedule once in Ethiopia:
Sunday get in late-Crash!
Monday- more paperwork, lunch, MEET NILE!!, Leave Nile :( for his last night at the Transition Home, Go to an Ethiopian dinner with the group
Tuesday- Sight seeing/Shopping, PICK NILE UP AND TAKE HIM WITH US!, Take pictures for families here in the US with kiddos still in Ethiopia
Wednesday- Embassy appt. (more paperwork)
Thursday-sight seeing, visit orphanages
Friday-coffee factory, shopping, fly HOME!
Saturday- We'll be home Saturday night!!
"wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight! Stop doing wrong, learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow." Isaiah 1:16-17
Click here to see a video of a family just returning from Ethiopia from our agency. You can see some of the things we will experience and see where we are staying. See if you recognize the artist singing! Good choice!
In 2 weeks from today.....
I wanted to post and let everyone know we are out of Medium shirts. Praise God! We have sold lots in the last few weeks!!! We are so pumped! God is providing last minute cash to take to Ethiopia. Of course, I knew he would! We are soooooooo stinkin' blessed!!
More pics of Nile coming soon.....
August update on Nile
This mommy is ready!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I may actually sleep better once he is here, safe in my arms.
Travel details....
Cannot wait to see my baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We still have room for donations for our Nile's transition home and the orphanges we will visit.
-diapers, formula, baby or kids meds, clothes, ect.....
This week...
Get concrete travel dates
Book flights
Get updates on Nile with pictures. YIPPY!
We are on the fast track now. We will be leaving in less than 3 weeks and are so excited. I have about 2 pages of things to pack so I am working on that now. There are so many things you have to pack when travelling overseas not to mention all that is needed to fly with an infant for 17 hours. Yes, 17 hours in the air. Can you imagine. If you have any travel suggestions please send them my way.
Clay and I were talking about how everything had been so smooth throughout this adoption. Passing court was our last big hurdle and after I got the call I felt like it was a dream. It is feeling more and more real now that I am packing bottles, onesies, diapers, ect.
Tonight I went through tons of clothes that were donated by a sweet friend from her consignment sale. It made me smile thinking about what a blessing those clothes will be to some precious children.
I will post new pictures of Nile when I get them!
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."
John 14:18
Pictures of Nile Tadele

He is now about 11 weeks old. We had a sweet family go last week that took pictures of him. There were some communication problems and the nannies brought out the wrong child at first. She did go back in and took more pictures of the baby that they pointed her to. We think the second set of pictures is Nile but we still aren't 100% yet. It looks alittle like him but he looks soooooooo different and really big. I am trying to confirm that it is him before I post pictures.
We are just in love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pray for our court tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Check back tomorrow for news and hopefully pictures of Nile!!!!
In less than a week....
Less than a week away is our court date. We will have 3 children!!! It still seems surreal that we have a baby on the other side of the world. I think I will have to see him in person to really grasp it all. Right now there is a family in Ethiopia picking up children and they are taking pictures of Nile for us!! Next week a friend will be there with him and give him a care package. I included a picture of our family, a blanket, two outfits(one was Bowen's) and one of our kids baby toys.
1/2 price ADOPTION T's
In 3 weeks.......
Moving on....
I cannot put his middle name b/c its his Ethiopian first name and we cannot reveal that until after court. Our court date is the 19th of August.
Speaking of making hard decisions, most recently we've purchased a mini-van. I love it, Clay is dealing with it. We are impressed with the amount of space and the kids think it's the best thing ever.
We got our travel packet and tenitive travel dates on Friday. If we pass court on the 19th we will be traveling to Ethiopia on the 12th of September. We are so excited and are shocked that everything has moved so quickly. The traveling part overwhelms me a bit b/c of all that is involved. There are several very specific things you have to bring with you and more paperwork to keep up with. We are currently looking at different travel agencies and getting quotes for plane tickets. We will be in the air for 17 hours total. I will need some good books to read!
I know many of my prayer warriors read my blog so here are some prayer request.
-that we get a good deal on our plane tickets.
-that we get all neccesary paper work before we travel.
-that Nile stays healthy!
The Nile is a major north-flowing river in Africa, generally regarded as the longest river in the world.
The Nile has two major tributaries, the White Nile and Blue Nile, the latter being the source of most of the Nile's water and fertile soil, but the former being the longer of the two. The White Nile rises in the Great Lakes region of central Africa, with the most distant source in southern Rwanda and flows north from there through Tanzania, Lake Victoria, Uganda and southern Sudan, while the Blue Nile starts at Lake Tana in Ethiopia flowing into Sudan from the southeast. The two rivers meet near the Sudanese capital Khartoum.
Baby's room
The naming game is coming along. I think we have the name but need to do some finalizing before I announce.
Next on the agenda is getting our shots. Working on in the next week or so. Fun stuff!
We have a court date!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today was the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cannot tell much about him on here but I'll tell you he's precious!!!! We are in love and cannot wait to pick him up. Everyone asks when we will travel. It really depends on if Ethiopian court close this summer or not. If not we may travel in September, if it does it may be November.
I received two pictures of him and he is tiny. We will let you know when we pick a name for him!
I am still giddy and on cloud 9!!!!!!!!!!!
A year ago today......
Yesterday we got a call from a friend telling us that we were the #1 family for an infant boy referral. So the next baby boy is ours!! I cannot wait for that call. My heart jumps every time my phone rings. I want to see that boy's face. I know once I see him I will want to jump on a plane and get him. We most likely will get caught in court closure in Ethiopia--meaning it will probably be the end of the year before we can travel to pick him up. :( That will be hard having a child on the other side of the world! But I know that God has him picked out just for our family and we won't travel a day earlier or later than what God has planned. This process teaches you patience and trust!!
I will let you know when I get the BIG CALL. I told Clay to answer his phone just like he had to do when I was nearing my due dates!!!
Sounds so cool!
I encourage you to visit the website, for more information and to reserve a FREE ticket today!
6 months of waiting
I didn't expect this to happen so quickly.
We are in the midst of moving right now so things are CRAZY!
Hopefully, we will see the face of our child soon!!! I cannot wait.
Will you let God use you to save a child or children? Not just save their lives but their souls!
Read this devotional from A Godward Life by John Piper
James 1:27 NASB ~ Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
Local businessmen in Brazil call them “vermin.” Garbage. “If we let them grow up, they will be criminals, a blight on our society.” There are an estimated twelve million homeless children on the streets of Brazil. Their parents lost them in the crowds, put them out, died. However they got there, they are there. They beg, they steal, they sell their bodies. They eat garbage. They start scared and end scarred, hard, and dead.
Some policemen and others moonlight by contracting to kill street children so that they will not menace the city. In 1992 average of 400 of these children were killed monthly.
It’s the same in other big cities. The Philippine government estimates that there are fifteen thousand child prostitues in Manila between the ages of nine and twelve. One estimate suggests that in Thailand there are eight hundred thousand girls between twelve and sixteen years old involved in prostitution.
Is your first thought merely human? Like, “If I can barely rear my own children to walk worthy of the gospel, what hope would there be to change the lives of these street kids?” Or, “If it takes ten thousand dollars worth of Christian counseling to stabilize a mature American Christian who was sexually abused, what in the world would we do with thousands of adolescents who knew nothing but abuse and lawlessness and violence on the streets?”
Do you find yourself looking (in good American fashion) at the bottom line and saying, “The turnaround on this investment would not be good”? Or, “The growth potential in planting churches among street kids is not very great. There are too many obstacles.”
Shift your thinking a minute (or a lifetime). What about the widow who put in her last two pennies? Jesus said she gave more than anyone (Luke 21:3). What about John the Baptist who lost his head on a dancer’s whim and never did a miracle? Jesus said, “Among those born of women there has arisen no one greater than John” (Matthew 11:11 RSV). What about the poor in spirit? Theirs is the kingdom of heaven. What about the meek? They inherit the earth. What about those who receive one child in the name of Jesus? At that moment they receive God (Mark 9:37).
What effect does it have on your longings when you think that God says true religion is to visit orphans (James 1:27)?
The effect it has on me is to make me want to love like Jesus loved and not always be thinking of the earthly payoff. Face it. A few kids are cute, but most street kids will be thankless, rude, dirty, diseased, scar-faced, shifty-eyed, lice-infested, suspicious, smelly, and have rotten teeth. If we minister mainly for the earthly payoff, we will burn out in a year.
Jesus did not say, “True religion is converting orphans.” He did not say, “True religion is making orphans mature and successful adults.” He said, “True religion is visiting orphans.” Results are God’s business alone. Obedience is ours by His grace. More specifically, by faith in future grace. Perhaps when we grasp this, we will be freed from our earthbound way of thinking and released to minsiter to the ones who are least likely to thank us.
You have to listen to this song.....
5 months of waiting.............

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Urgent need at our orphanage!!
Click here to find out how Tom Davis is providing a way that you can help these precious children. This is where our child/children will be coming from!!! There have been children at this orphanage up to 4 months old and just a couple of pounds.
A gift of $30 will buy and ship one can of formula to the chidlren in need. Right now if you give $30 it will be doubled to $60! The first $500 we raise will be matched dollar-for-dollar. If CHC hits their goal, we can send 400 cans of formula to starving infants in Ethiopia. Please consider giving to help these babies.
Our MIGHTY God......
There are so many children out there that need moms and dads to rock them, love on them, to give them a bed, food and most importantly to teach them about our Savior!
Africa T shirt junkie?
I want them all!!
You have to check out these!

My new favorites that my friend is making to fund their adoption!!! Yes, its the talented Laura Kelley, owner of Pitter Patter Art. She can do it all! Click here to check all of the different ones out!
A wonderful Ethiopian filled day......
My kids love making faces in the mirrors.
After we left the fellowship we went and ate at an Ethiopian restaurant in Nashville. The kids loved the music and danced the entire time. While there we met a family from Ethiopia. They are super sweet and thanked us for adopting. It was so encouraging to talk to them and to see their excitement for us.
Checking that food out...not too sure!
Huge Success!!!!
After a final calculation we made a HUGE amount today. More than we could have imagined!!
We have soooooooooo many people to thank for the success!!
Our final total from today was: $3726.25
Praise the Lord!!!
HUGE PRAISE: We received over $600 today in donations. PRAISE GOD!!
OK so now all we need is shoppers!! Pray for lots of shoppers.
Here are the details:
TIME: 8-4
Racial Diversity in Hell
By: John Piper
The difference between heaven and hell is not that heaven will be ethnically diverse and hell won’t be. Both will be diverse. All races and all ethnicities and all cultures will be present in hell.
The difference between heaven and hell is that in heaven—that is, in the new heaven and new earth—there will be perfect racial and ethnic harmony, but in hell, racial and ethnic animosities will reach their fullest fury and last forever.
Paul spoke of the ethnic diversity of hell in Romans 2:9,
There will be tribulation and distress for every human being who does evil, the Jew first and also the Greek.
“Jew and Greek” was shorthand for all ethnic groups.
We know he is talking about hell here because the opposite is eternal life:
To those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. (Romans 2:7)
Therefore, everyone who loves racial diversity and racial harmony will call all ethnic groups everywhere to believe on Jesus Christ, the Son of God, because
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. (John 3:36)
Heaven will be all the sweeter because the ethnic diversity that God designed for the good of his creation and the glory of his grace will last forever in perfect harmony and joy.
Month 4

I am constantly getting this questions/comments.
Why would you adopt?
Because there are children homeless, dying in the streets.
Because Jesus loves and tells us to care for the orphans/fatherless.
Because we have love to give.
Because this life is not our own.
Because these children need parents.
Ultimately, for us, because God told us to.
I don't have that kind of money.
Seriously, this is the life of a child. How much did your car cost?
OK so for some fun Ethiopian facts:Ethiopians have a very beautiful traditional coffee ceremony, its unimaginable for most Ethiopians to start a new day without several cups of coffee. Coffee is the best drink an Ethiopian family offers to honor guests, as coffee ceremony is the best occasion for a get-together with neighbors and friends. I've also learned that they use salt in their coffee instead of sugar.
Next Saturday............
Quit your hidin'
I am giving away a T Shirts to # 10,000 plus for everyone that leaves a comment and tells me who they are I will put your name in a drawing for one of our Ts!
Love you all!!
Donation praises!!!
**Pray for pretty weather and spread the word!
Here are the details again:
TIME: 8-4
We will have face painting, bake sale, and a CAR WASH!!!
Click here for all of the details from an earlier post.
Our blog received a facelift.....
The colors I picked are the colors in the Ethiopian flag.
God is at work....
We have a 2 and 3 yr old now and are very busy. Both are great kids and basically easy going. We have our days but I am pretty laid back so life with kids doesn't stress me too bad. Just recently our son was diagnosed with OCD. Initally, I took him to the Dr. for a facial tic and he sent us to a neurologist. He diagnosed him with OCD. The only area this effects daily is him going to sleep. Bedtime became a nightmare. He hated going to bed at night and we dreaded it too. He had to have everything in his room and routine perfect. We became very frustrated every night having no clue what to do. The neurologist gave us medicine to help him sleep which didn't help the problem but caused him to wake up in the middle of the night. We didn't feel like that was the answer. We really tried to fix everything on our own. With my background in child development I feel like I should be able to have the answers. I tried to do it own my own with changing his diet, taking away naps, ect. Nothing seemed to help. I was on my face before God praying for answers. Lots of friends and family were praying too.
One night Clay was painting Anslee's room and she had to sleep in Bowen's room. I thought it would be even more crazy. But this was God's answer. Bowen did great. He started loving his sister being in there with him and bedtime is much more peaceful. They are now sleeping together every night and Bowen is no longer struggling with his bedtime routine. Along with that we haven't seen his facial tic in about a week. We know that God is working everything out!!
My mom called this morning with a revelation from God. She said that satan was trying to attack our family and discourage us from adopting. Wow, I have so felt that lately. It seems like when you mention Bowen's problems, people always try to bring up the adoption stressing him or putting it off until we figure things out with him. We know that our God is so much bigger than satan and he cannot hold us back or discourage us!!!
God has called us to adopt and he is providing like crazy for us!! We have seen God work mightily in this process. This is a verse that always challenges me and I have seen the blessings poured on our family!! Test God in this and see what happens! This is the only place in the bible where God tells us to test him. Try it. Test him! He will bless you!!
Malachi 3:10 "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.
Another request change....
This means that when we are up for our referral (I am thinking in 4 or 5 months) we will get:
an infant boy, siblilings 18 months and younger or twins!!! You can read more here about us wanting two and the twin request change.
Jeremiah 1:5
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
Three month wait and update!!

Many of you have asked if we have a name picked out for our son. He will have a name when we get his referral but we have the choice to chan...
Oh man, I don't know if I will even be able to relay to you what has happened in the last 24 hours. Yesterday about this time Nile was...
Today I bought this Third Day Christmas CD and found a song about adoption. Its AWESOME. It's a song to a child being adopted that isn...